A conversation for Muslim sisters:
"I'm so tired."
"Tired of what?"
"Of all these people judging me."
"Who judged you?"
"Like that woman, every time I sit with her, she tells me to wear hijab."
"Oh, hijab and music! The mother of all topics!"
"Yeah! I listen to music without hijab…haha!"
"Maybe she was just giving you advice."
"I don't need her advice. I know my religion. Can`t she mind her own business?"
"Maybe you misunderstood. She was just being nice."
"Keeping out of my business, that would be nice..."
"But it's her duty to encourage you do to good."
"Trust me. That was no encouragement. And what do you mean `good` ?"
"Well, wearing hijab, that would be a good thing to do."
"Says who?"
"It's in the Qur'an, isn't it?"
"Yes. She did quote me something."
"She said Surah Nur, and other places of the Qur'an."
"Yes, but it's not a big sin anyway. Helping people and praying is more important."
"True. But big things start with small things."
"That's a good point, but what you wear is not important. What's important is to have a good healthy heart."
"What you wear is not important?"
"That's what I said."
"Then why do you spend an hour every morning fixing up?"
"What do you mean?"
"You spend money on cosmetics, not to mention all the time you spend on fixing your hair and low-carb dieting."
"So, your appearance IS important."
"No. I said wearing hijab is not an important thing in religion."
"If it's not an important thing in religion, why is it mentioned in the Holy Qur'an?"
"You know I can't follow all that's in Qur'an."
"You mean God tells you something to do, you disobey and then it's OK?"
"Yes. God is forgiving."
"God is forgiving to those who repent and do not repeat their mistakes."
"Says who?"
"Says the same book that tells you to cover."
"But I don't like hijab, it limits my freedom."
"But the lotions, lipsticks, mascara and other cosmetics set you free?!
What`s your definition of freedom anyway?"
"Freedom is in doing whatever you like to do."
"No. Freedom is in doing the right thing, not in doing whatever we wish to do."
"Look! I've seen so many people who don't wear hijab and are nice people, and so many who wearhijab and are bad people."
"So what? There are people who are nice to you but are alcoholic. Should we all be alcoholics? You made a stupid point."
"I don't want to be an extremist or a fanatic. I'm OK the way I am without hijab."
"Then you are a secular fanatic. An extremist in disobeying God."
"You don't get it, if I wear hijab, who would marry me?!"
"So all these people with hijab never get married?!"
"Okay! What if I get married and my husband doesn't like it? And wants me to remove it?"
"What if your husband wants you to go out with him on a bank robbery?!"
"That's irrelevant, bank robbery is a crime."
"Disobeying your Creator is not a crime?"
"But then who would hire me?"
"A company that respects people for who they are."
"Not after 9-11"
"Yes. After 9-11. Don't you know about Hanan who just got into med school?
And the other one, what was her name, the girl who always wore a white hijab…ummm…"
"Yes. Yasmeen. She just finished her MBA and is now interning for GE."
"Why do you reduce religion to a piece of cloth anyway?"
"Why do you reduce womanhood to high heals and lipstick colors?"
"You didn't answer my question."
"In fact, I did. Hijab is not just a piece of cloth. It is obeying God in a difficult environment. It is courage, faith in action, and true womanhood.
But your short sleeves, tight pants…"
"That's called `fashion`, you live in a cave or something? First of all, hijab was founded by men who wanted to control women."
"Really? I did not know men could control women by hijab."
"Yes. That's what it is."
"What about the women who fight their husbands to wear hijab? And women in France who are forced to remove their hijab by men? What do you say about that?"
"Well, that's different."
"What difference? The woman who asked you to wear hijab…she was a woman, right?"
"Right, but…"
"But fashions that are designed and promoted by male-dominated corporations, set
you free? Men have no control on exposing women and using them as a commodity?! Give me a break!"
"Wait, let me finish, I was saying…"
"Saying what? You think that men control women by hijab?"
"Specifically how?"
"By telling women how and what to wear, dummy!"
"Doesn't TV, magazines and movies tell you what to wear, and how to be `attractive'?"
"Of course, it's fashion."
"Isn't that control? Pressuring you to wear what they want you to wear?"
"Not just controlling you, but also controlling the market."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you are told to look skinny and anorexic like that woman on the cover
of the magazine, by men who design those magazines and sell those products."
"I don't get it. What does hijab have to do with products."
"It has everything to do with that. Don't you see? Hijab is a threat to consumerism,
women who spend billions of dollars to look skinny and live by standards of fashion designed by men…and then here is Islam, saying trash all that nonsense and focus on your soul, not on your looks, and do not worry what men think of your looks."
"Like I don't have to buy hijab? Isn't hijab a product?"
"Yes, it is. It is a product that sets you free from male-dominated consumerism."
"Stop lecturing me! I WILL NOT WEAR HIJAB!
It is awkward, outdated, and totally not suitable for this society ... Moreover, I am only 20 and too young to wear hijab!"
"Fine. Say that to your Lord, when you face Him on Judgment Day."
"Shut up and I don't want to
hear more about hijab niqab schmijab Punjab!"
She stared at the mirror, tired of arguing with herself all this time.
Successful enough, she managed to shut the voices in her head, with her own opinions triumphant
in victory on the matter, and a final modern decision accepted by the society - but rejected by the Faith:
"Yes!" - to curls on the hair - "No!" - to hijab!
"And he(/she) is indeed a failure who corrupts it [the soul]!"
[Holy Quran 91:10]
"Nay! You prefer the life of this world; While the hereafter is better and more lasting."
[Holy Quran: 87:16-17]
"You are the best community (Ummah) raised up for (the benefit of) humanity; enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong and believing in Allah."[Holy Quran: 3:110]
jangan di paksa.
doa doa dan doa.
doa tu kena nangis2 sket
he he
I like this entry very much as it is most relevant in today's women.
Boleh tak izinkan saya kopipes dgn izin saudara letak kat dalam blog?
ni posting copy paste, sedap pulak baca, saya letak sini sbb orang rumah suka. Mungkin perbualan tu antara 2 kawan baik sebab tu boleh pancung macam tu je. Sebaiknya ikut kesesuaian, ada org yg tak sesuai utk dipancung begitu, dan sebaliknya..etc. Ikut tahap hubungan dan sebagainya.
Secara umumnya kita dianjurkan supaya berlemah lembut, maafkan, dgn kasih sayang, beri kelebihan (fadhail) tentang amal yg hendak didakwahkan bagi menarik minat dan doa sungguh2 dan nangis2. Ini adalah sebahagian elemen hikmah dan hikmah adalah kemuncak ilmu.
Betul tu relevan, orang rumah saya pun suka baca ni. Ada arguement yg selalu orang bangkitkan dijawab dlm perbualan tu secara bersembang.
Saya pun copy paste je, sebelum tu ammik dari abg ben. Link asal dari
Salam,wah,,saya,x berani nk komen la,xde masturat gi...hu3.....
Anak Pendang,
Kalau takde, usahakan la sampai ada, baru boleh buat usaha masturat. huhu
Salam ..
Dia argue dengan diri sendir..Bagus jugak ni. Well, for me at least.
Ikut orang nak terima macam mana..
InsyaAllah, kalau benar niyat penulis adalah da'wah dan ikhlas, then..Allah akan guide sesiapa aja.
.wanita kini rata2 x faham sbanrnye apa itu aurat n pakaian...skadar pakai tudung je dah kira smpurna..spatutnye pakaian wanita berhijab adalah seeloknye..bercolour itam...bercorak2 n bunga2 pun x perlu...dan mnutupi sluruh muka
pengalaman suasana duk d arab saudi ni sya lihat..walaupun skaya mana wanita arab tu pun mereka tetap berhijab n berpakaian hitam smpai seluruh muka tmasuk mata pun tertutup..bermakna sluruh bdan adalah bertutup kain itam..n rata2 bjalan membli belah pd waktu mlm..
walaupun mrka mampu bli pakaian yang indah(jubah2 yang cantik2-warna dan bercorak)...tapi sunnah membataskan smua itu..
subhanaAllah...trasa kerdil n ceteknye ilmu sya n wanita kita..jika dbndingkan dgn wanita arab...bahkan utk membeli shelai jubah itam yang berwrna n bercorak sdikit pun s peniaga berkata HARAM utk dpakai disni(arab)...if nak pakai..."pakailah anti d msia"...so..betapa pentingnye pakaian hijab ni...(sungguh terkesan sya)
sekiranye seorang wanita tahu dan faham adab berpakaian d luar rumah...alangkah indahnye..peribadi seorang wanita...
smoga sya dan wanita lain dberi hidayah oleh Allah s.w.t..dlm berpakaian sebaik2 wanita solehah...insyaAllah..aminn
Salam,,uish,,xpela,kalo tuan adjust masturat tu,,,saya no haL ..hu3,,,tp risau gak,takut saya xleh terbang lagi....(slack)....hu3...tp kt tempat saya praktikal saya nie tuan,ada sorang masturat,,bila saya pi semayang ja,dia dok usha pelik,,,nk ngorat saya pa...hu3
entry ni kelakar.
both cm fedup je amidst the row[err, maybe i shud write a discussion instead hee]
tapi cm xde solution je?>
Yes..you shud write something..
saya pun nak copy paste entry ni kat blog saya leh?mmg suke sgt2.trima kasih..
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